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Ica, Peru

Ica, Peru.

Ica, Peru
Coordinates: -14.07546, -75.7341811

  • Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. - 31848
  • "Antarctica is a beautiful spot as long as you like white." - Don Hagey - 21
  • "You shall not sow your vineyard with diverse seeds: lest the fruit of your seed which you have sown, and the fruit of your vineyard, be defiled." Deuteronomy 22:9
    - Could this apply to GMO seeds? - 34867
  • God loves you. - 147
  • We are dedicated to God. - 160
  • We want to know where our food is grown, how it is produced and what it contains. We demand a GMO label. - 261
  • 80% of processed grocery food contains Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). We have a right to know what we are eating, and want accurate labeling. - 262
  • The process of cross-hybridization has been used to breed plants for hundreds of years. It is quite different from the more controversial genetic modification methods. - 14790
  • The more that they mess with the weather the worse it gets. - 264
  • The ice wall is more than 370 miles (600 km) long. - 31849
  • Most Americans spend over $8,000 a year per person on health care, and health insurance. This expense seems to increase every year. - 406
  • Some medical professionals may not establish the cause of an illness, but may simply treat the symptoms. - 407
  • Everything was originally created by God. - 467
  • He has all the money and media support. - 475
  • Should we believe everything that a political leader says?
    Can he be trusted to tell the truth?
    Photoshop is an amazing political tool. - 476
  • Women tend to have a larger vocabulary than men. - 719
  Key words: Ica, Ica-Peru, Peru  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is amnesty?
  Answer: Amnesty is when the government agrees to forgive and forget your past political offenses. - 328

Question: What is a chemical?
  Answer: A chemical is a substance or drug that is composed of specific molecular compounds and elements. - 179

Question: What is chemistry?
  Answer: Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of chemical elements and the molecular compounds they form. - 180

Question: What is the purpose of cloud seeding?
  Answer: Cloud-seeding is a type of weather-modification that has been used to cause rain to fall. - 296

Question: What is geoengineering?
  Answer: Geoengineering is the intentional manipulation of the environment, involving nuclear, biological, chemical, electromagnetic and/or other physical-agent activities that effect changes to earth's atmosphere, climate and/or surface. - 336

Question: What is the mastication process?
  Answer: The mastication process is the act of chewing before swallowing and digesting the food. - 293

Question: What is silicosis?
  Answer: Silicosis is a respiratory disease caused by silica that can be fatal. - 283

Topics from our world ...

  External related links to the world ...  

African Development Foundation.
 African Development Foundation. - 5
American Express Worldwide
 American Express Worldwide - 24
American International Group, Inc.
 American International Group, Inc. - 25
American Samoa Home page.
 American Samoa Home page. - 27
The American Astronomical Society
 The American Astronomical Society - 50
Bank of America
 Bank of America

 Bank of America is the nation's leading financial institution. - 78
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board - 157
American Chemical Society
 American Chemical Society

 Products and services for the practice and advancement of the chemical sciences. - 158
History of Chemistry
 History of Chemistry

 The history of chemistry, The Chemical Heritage Foundation's world-class collections include instruments and apparatus, rare books. - 159
Chemical Online
 Chemical Online

 Chemical industry news, manufacturer listings, regulatory updates, technology. - 160
The National Electrical Contractors Association
 The National Electrical Contractors Association - 297
American Academy of Environmental Medicine
 American Academy of Environmental Medicine

 Genetically Modified foods pose a serious health risk. - 392
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission - 460
Administration for Native Americans
 Administration for Native Americans - 701
Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
 Council on Physical Fitness and Sports - 895
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
 National Telecommunications and Information Administration - 1036
Japan Meteorological Agency
 Japan Meteorological Agency - 1110
Weather modification history
 Weather modification history - 1111

  Comments and Quotes  

There is a deaf girl sitting across from me in the library talking with her friend using sign language. It is one of the coolest things that I have ever seen. This mode of communication fascinates me and I wish that I could communicate that well using my body language. They have a gift brought by lack of hearing that I certainly wish I had. This is a great example of God's gifts. He gives and he takes away! - Andrew McGinnis - 12

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