New South Wales, Australia.
New South Wales, Australia Coordinates: -31.2532183, 146.921099
People are looking for answers. - 2751
We do not have all the answers. - 2752
Within the covers of the Bible are all the answers for all the problems men face." - Ronald Reagan - 20
I do not like leaving a recorded message.
The message may be misunderstood or later used against you. - 374
It is better to have questions that cannot be answered, then to have answers that cannot be questioned. - 503
It is important that students learn new things and ask lots of questions.
We should all know what we believe and why we believe it. - 1743
Key words: Australia, New-South-Wales, New-South-Wales-Australia, NSW, Wales
There is not always going to be a simple answer to the question.
- Kevin Ausman
- 47
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