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Anesthesia is used for pain relief.

  • Most drugs have side-effects. - 177
  • Most drugs do not cure diseases. They only suppress the symptoms. - 178
  • This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. - 179
  • Healthy people are better able to survive and tend to live longer. - 720
  Key words: Anaesthesia, Anesthesia, Anesthesiology, Drug, Health, Numb, Pain, Painless, Pain-Relief, Sedation  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is a drug?
  Answer: A drug is a substance that altered the structure or function of the body. - 337

Question: What is health?
  Answer: Health is freedom from physical injury, disease and pain. - 201

Question: What is pain?
  Answer: Pain is an unpleasant distressing sensation of discomfort in the body or emotional feelings. - 237

Question: What is emotional pain?
  Answer: Emotional pain is feeling of irritation, despair or mental suffering. - 238

Question: What causes physical pain?
  Answer: Physical Pain may be caused by injury, disease, illness, or muscle cramps and contractions. - 239

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Anesthesia: MedlinePlus
 Anesthesia: MedlinePlus

 The anesthesia - 29

 A NetMed Anesthesiology Guide - 30

  Comments and Quotes  

Don't have anything to do with drugs, don't use them, don't touch them, don't carry them, don't traffic in them. - John Howard - 208

My physical pain is just too great. I can barely write this message. I feel as if I have lost my battle to walk independently. Every day after I practice walking using a walker I get searing, stabbing nerve pain down both paralyzed feet. I am in bed with nightmarish stabbing pain. Am scaring my roommate because I have needed to scream today every few minutes. I'm downing Lyrica like candy. After two days of bed rest I usually feel much better, and the pain is manageable. Well, this is it. Sometimes God does say no. I won't walk again until either I have an operation for the pain, and/or I get much better drugs. Swimming will be my exercise until I can't do that. It is cruel to encourage someone to experience this level of pain to achieve independence. I might have several years left, and I want them to be as pain free as possible since I have some freedom of choice in this regard. Hope this torture will end. - Guy Walton - 274

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