Do not judge a book by the book cover. - 4768
We need to have a bridge to cross over. - 83
A budget prevents you from overspending. - 30825
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people,
it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." - Patrick Henry - 134
Flipping the pillow over to get to the cold side. - 229
Every flood is made of single drops of water. - 36873
"The Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." - 278
The Government would never lie to you (unless it was absolutely necessary). - 279
You cannot just ignore all the facts. - 43880
Insurance is too expensive for some people to afford. - 334
The government should not pass laws that cannot be enforced. - 368
- Stop eating all processed junk food, and trans-fat.
- Stop drinking soda-pop.
- Try to get some exercise.
- 451
You never know what people are going through. The house may be in foreclosure. After paying all the bills they might not have enough money to buy food. - 484
Ask God to protect and bless your children. - 486
Do not spend more money than you can earn. - 50880