The best promise is the one that is kept. - 40878
Do not makes promises that you can not keep! - 40879
- Adverb
The adverbs.
- Eating
(36) He is eating again.
- Fall
(36) Do not fall down.
- Fling
(3) He will fling it.
- Flip
(14) You need to flip it over to see the other side.
- Give
(16) He will give it away.
- Grabbing
He was grabbing it.
- Hit
(9) It was a hit.
- Hop
(11) The hops.
- Kicking
(2) He was kicking the ball.
- Leap
(13) Take a leap into the air.
- Shaking
(10) She was shaking.
- Shove
(16) Do not push and shove.
- Snatch
(3) He snatched it up.
- Sweep
(14) He will sweep it up.
- Take
(38) You can take it or leave it.
- Twist
(23) The twists.
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