You are here: Home > Biology > Animal > Bird > Accipiter
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The accipiters.

  • The birds fly in the sky above the earth. - 60
  • There are approximately 9,000 different species of birds. - 9788
  •  Bird 

    - 33850
  • The birds of a feather are flocking together. - 61
  Key words: Accipiter, Accipiters, Accipitridae, Bird, Bird-Of-Prey, Prey  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is a bird?
  Answer: A bird is a warm blooded animal with feathers and wings. - 68

Question: Where do baby birds come from?
  Answer: Baby birds are hatched from eggs. - 69

  External related links to the world ...  

BirdLife International
 BirdLife International - 96
Migratory Bird Conservation Commission
 Migratory Bird Conservation Commission - 97 - Bird Cages, Bird Supplies - Bird Cages, Bird Supplies is your source for everything avian. From toys and treats to cages and towers. - 98

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