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Animal Science

Animal science.

  • Science should be about looking at what God made and trying to understand why he made it that way. It seems that modern science is try to prove that God does not exist, or that he is millions of miles away or millions of years ago. I trust what the Bible says more then the theories of non-Christian scientists. - 27810
  Key words: Animal, Animal-Science, Science  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is an animal?
  Answer: An animal is any living non-human creature that utilizes oxygen, moves voluntarily and actively acquires food. - 221

Question: What is science?
  Answer: Science is the systematic study of knowledge of the physical world gained through observation and experimentation. - 225

Question: What is the scientific method?
  Answer: The scientific method is the investigation of natural phenomena through careful observation, the formulation of a hypothesis or theoretical explanation, the conducting of experiments to test the hypothesis, and the drawing of a conclusion that confirms or modifies the hypothesis. - 226

  External related links to the world ...  

American Society Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
 American Society Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - 31
Endangered Species Committee
 Endangered Species Committee - 32
Marine Mammal Commission
 Marine Mammal Commission - 33
National Geographic Animals
 National Geographic Animals

 Explore hundreds of animal photographs. Take a look at wildlife at its best. - 34
Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Inc.
 Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Inc. - 35
Animal Planet : Pets, Wild Animals
 Animal Planet : Pets, Wild Animals

 Explore cat breeds, dog breeds, wild animals and pets. - 36
Animals Answers
 Animals Answers - 37
Creation-Evolution Headlines
 Creation-Evolution Headlines - 833
National Science Foundation
 National Science Foundation - 834
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
 Office of Scientific and Technical Information - 835
Science Now - AAAS
 Science Now - AAAS - 836
Los Alamos National Laboratory
 Los Alamos National Laboratory - 837
Office of Science and Technology Policy
 Office of Science and Technology Policy - 838
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
 Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer - 839

  Comments and Quotes  

Science is ever evolving. It is not static. - Mike Johanns - 183

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