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  • Adam took care of the garden of Eden. - 191
  • God planted a garden in Eden. - 259
  • You need to start a garden and grow some fresh vegetables. - 727
  • If you don't have room for a garden you can always grow things in pots. - 726
  • Soil is the loose surface material of the earth in which plants, trees, and scrubs grow.
    Soil consists of disintegrated rock with a mixture of organic material and soluble salts. - 578
  The key word: Arden  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is a garden?
  Answer: A garden is place that is used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables. - 319

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Busch-Gardens & SeaWorld Parks
 Busch-Gardens & SeaWorld Parks - 122
Botanic Garden
 Botanic Garden - 704

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