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Church Music

The church music.

  Key words: Church, Church-Music, Hymn, Music  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: Where were the seven churches in Asia?
  Answer: The seven churches in Asia were: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. - 36
  Reference: Revelation 1:11b

Question: Who is the church?
  Answer: The church is a group of Christians who get together for religious worship services. It can also include all Christian believers. - 134

Question: What is a church building?
  Answer: A church building is used for the public Christian worship of God. - 135

Question: What is music?
  Answer: Music is an arrangement of sounds in time. - 64

Question: What is music composed of?
  Answer: Music is composed of melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. Some music may also include words. - 65

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  Comments and Quotes  

You have 200 years of church music to choose from. Every generation has both good and bad songs, and everyone has their favorite songs. We should sing a mix of the very best songs regardless of when it was written. Make sure that the words are theologically correct, and the songs are singable. - Ron Rooks - 31

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