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Cow Carcass

The cow carcass.

  • Real cows eat grass. - 145
  • Do not eat meat that has its blood still in it. We always rinse off the blood. - 404
  • Cut large pieces of meat into smaller ones, so that heat penetrates quickly. - 405
  Key words: Beef, Butcher, Carcass, Cow, Cow-Carcass, Meat  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is meat?
  Answer: Meat is a food that comes from the flesh of animals. - 61

  External related links to the world ... - The beef industry Info - The beef industry Info

 The beef industry's information center. The center for beef and cattle news, up to date beef and cattle research and food safety. - 593
American Meat Institute
 American Meat Institute

 A national trade association, representing packers and processors of meat and poultry products and their suppliers. - 594
The Meat Industry
 The Meat Industry

 Attacks the meat industry and mass production of livestock, where humane treatment is sacrificed for profit. - 595
The American Meat Goat Association (AMGA)
 The American Meat Goat Association (AMGA) - 596
Tennessee Meat Goats
 Tennessee Meat Goats

 A large, heavily muscled meat goat. Goat health and management articles. - 597

  Comments and Quotes  

Cattle raised on grass diets without additional hormones are typically four months older at slaughter, around 18 to 28 months, because they fatten more slowly than mass-market cattle. - Bo Reagan - 43

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