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Freezing Rain

The freezing cold rain and snow.

  • Cold is the absense of heat. - 131
  • "I got hit in the back of the head by the biggest single rain drop known to man! It hit me so hard I was instantly offended and ready to fight thinking someone just spat on me." - Joshua Wesley - 510
  • Recently there seems to be extreme weather changes (Hot, Cold, Rain, Snow, Floods, and Drought).
    We should all be alert and prepared for anything. - 693
  Key words: Cold, Freezing, Freezing-Rain, Ice-Storm, Rain, Snow, Weather  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is rain?
  Answer: Rain is water that condensed in the clouds and falls to earth in drops. - 133

Question: What is the purpose of a rain barrel?
  Answer: A rain-barrel collects rain-water. Every home should have at least one. - 298

Question: What are the colors of the rainbow?
  Answer: The colors of the rainbow include: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. - 4342

Question: What is snow?
  Answer: Snow is a frozen precipitation of white translucent ice crystal flakes. In cold weather the snowflakes fall from the sky and form layers on the ground or other surfaces. - 236

Question: How many sides does a snowflake have?
  Answer: All snowflakes have only 6 sides. Snowflakes are a hexagonal crystal lattice. - 256

Question: What is weather?
  Answer: Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a given time in a specific place. - 111

Question: What are some of the factors describing weather?
  Answer: Weather affects air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, cloudiness, Rain precipitation moisture, and wind speed. - 112

  External related links to the world ...  

Snowflakes, snow crystals, and other ice phenomena.
 Snowflakes, snow crystals, and other ice phenomena. - 871
All About Snow
 All About Snow

 Quick snow facts. A snow glossary, a snow gallery, and more. - 872
Snowflakes and Snow Crystals
 Snowflakes and Snow Crystals

 The physics of snow crystals and snowflakes as well as the history of early scientific observations and photographs. - 873
Snow TV
 Snow TV

 Holday videos from snow ski resorts from around the world. - 874
College of DuPage Weather Lab
 College of DuPage Weather Lab

 Satellite and Radar data. - 1106
Staying Safe Outdoors in Severe Weather
 Staying Safe Outdoors in Severe Weather - 1205
Meteorology and Weather
 Meteorology and Weather

 Meteorology and Weather: A Guide for Students - 9228
Weather Channel
 Weather Channel - 1107
National Weather Service
 National Weather Service - 1108
NOAA's National Weather Service
 NOAA's National Weather Service - 1109
Japan Meteorological Agency
 Japan Meteorological Agency - 1110
Weather modification history
 Weather modification history - 1111

  Comments and Quotes  

I could use a little snow! If its going to be this cold out it could at least be pretty! - Anna Method - 23

We have had ice / snow/ slush and expect more snow. The way the roads are dealt with around here is to wait for it to melt. Not going to happen before tomorrow. Messy roads just refreeze and get even worse after a storm until completely melted and dry. This happens so seldom here that it is not worth the investment to have enough machines to handle secondary roads .... we just shut down. - Doreen Lawrence - 5

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