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Frozen Pond

Go ice skating on a frozen pond.

  Key words: Frozen, Frozen-Pond, Ice, Pond, Ponds, Skating  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is ice?
  Answer: Ice is frozen water. - 57

Question: When does water freeze into ice?
  Answer: Water freezes into solid ice at 32 degrees F. - 58

Question: What is a pond?
  Answer: A pond is a small inland body of water that is usually shallow. - 143

Question: What is larger then a pond?
  Answer: A lake is larger then a pond. - 141

Question: What is smaller then a pond?
  Answer: A puddle is smaller then a pond. - 142

  External related links to the world ...  

National Ice Center
 National Ice Center

 Multiagency center whose mission is to provide worldwide operational sea ice analyses and forecasts for government agencies worldwide. - 501
N.E. Ice
 N.E. Ice

 Ice climbing in New England. - 502
Ice Shanty
 Ice Shanty

 Dedicated to the sport of ice fishing by providing rookie fishermen and seasoned ice experts with forums to discuss fish finding reports. - 503
The Ice Cream Sundae
 The Ice Cream Sundae - 504

Disclaimer: This website is for educational and informational purposes only.