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Global Economy

The global economy.

  • "The economy needs to grow more quickly if it is to produce enough jobs to bring down the unemployment rate." - Ben Bernanke - 190
  • Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is a theory that claims that human beings are responsible for most climate change. AGW is favored by some politicians, as it provides justification for carbon taxes and the Kyoto Protocol.
    Some people may have other ideas and theories. Climate change can be caused by many different factors. - 269
  Key words: Economy, Global, Global-Economy  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is the purpose of the global-dimming climate experiments?
  Answer: Global-dimming is attempting to prevent global-warming. - 309

Question: What is causing global warming?
  Answer: The sun is causing global-warming. - 318

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