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The leptospirosis bacteria infection.

  • Most bacteria are killed at 165 degrees F. - 38
  • Adults tend to be more resistant to diseases than young children. - 167
  • It is better to prevent disease than to treat it after it occurs. - 724
  • How are unvaccinated children a threat to vaccinated children if vaccines actually work? - 672
  • Further unbiased research is required to ensure we are protected from both the diseases, and the vaccines. The researchers need to be protected from the liability of publicly stating the results of their research. - 673
  Key words: Bacteria, Disease, Doxycycline, Icteric-Leptospirosis, Kidney-Damage, Leptospira-Interrogans, Leptospirosis, Pretibial-Fever, Renal-Failure, Respiratory-Distress, Vaccine, Zoonotic  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is disease?
  Answer: Disease is an illness, sickness, disorder, or abnormal condition of any body organ, structure, or system. - 241

Question: What causes diseases?
  Answer: Diseases can be caused by: nutritional deficiency, poisons, parasites, bacterial infection, viruses, or genetic anomalies. - 242

  External related links to the world ... - Diseases, and Infections - Diseases, and Infections

 Medical information about: Cancer, Crohns, Cystic Fibrosis, Diabetes, Disease, HIV, AIDS, Infection, Mad cow, and Migraine. - 240
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - 241
National Organization for Rare Disorders
 National Organization for Rare Disorders

 Prevention, treatment and cure of rare diseases. - 242
Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines
 Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines

 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is one of the most outspoken physicians in the country on the hazards of vaccines and vaccination. - 1088

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