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Malaria Mosquito

Malaria is transmitted by mosquitos.

  • Malaria is a parasitic disease. - 9789
  • Without prompt treatment malaria can be fatal. - 9790
  Key words: Anopheles-Gambiae, Malaria, Malaria-Mosquito, Malaria-Mosquitos, Mosquito, Mosquitos  

  Comments and Quotes  

You have a bonfire. There is a mosquito buzzing around. The mosquito bites you and you shoo him away, threatening to smush him. You think he is gone. Then you bring your kids outside to the bonfire and he bites them. Again, you shoo him away and try to squish him. He flies away. You have another bonfire and there's the mosquito again ? almost like you can't get rid of him, even though you are minding your own business and having a bonfire with your kids. You get mosquito sprays and tiki torches, but he flies just far away enough to not get affected by it. You go inside and figure you will deal with it next time you have a bonfire. Next time, you again put out all the sprays and torches and he is still there, biting you and your kids. He flies just close enough to you to be a nuisance but just far away enough from the fire to not burn up. What he doesn't realize is that you are smarter then him, bigger then him, and have more resources then him. You wait, after all he will get tired of flying in circles, trying to hurt you, and get squashed. Then ... SMACK! He's gone! What he didn't realize is that when he finally got tired and sloppy and landed on an armchair, you snuck up behind him and squished him. The best part ? he had no idea what was coming! - Donna Bignall - 39

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