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The pepperoni.

  • Do not eat meat that has its blood still in it. We always rinse off the blood. - 404
  • Cut large pieces of meat into smaller ones, so that heat penetrates quickly. - 405
  • Math: A pizza is a circle, and the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius. Example: A 16-inch pizza is actually four times as big as an 8-inch pizza. - 470
  Key words: Meat, Pepperoni, Pizza  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is meat?
  Answer: Meat is a food that comes from the flesh of animals. - 61

Topics from our world ...

  External related links to the world ... - The beef industry Info - The beef industry Info

 The beef industry's information center. The center for beef and cattle news, up to date beef and cattle research and food safety. - 593
American Meat Institute
 American Meat Institute

 A national trade association, representing packers and processors of meat and poultry products and their suppliers. - 594
The Meat Industry
 The Meat Industry

 Attacks the meat industry and mass production of livestock, where humane treatment is sacrificed for profit. - 595
The American Meat Goat Association (AMGA)
 The American Meat Goat Association (AMGA) - 596
Tennessee Meat Goats
 Tennessee Meat Goats

 A large, heavily muscled meat goat. Goat health and management articles. - 597

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