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Phases of the Moon

The phases of the moon.

  •  Moon 

    The moon in the night sky. - 24799
  • NASA said that astronauts landed on the moon years ago. Why have we not gone back to the moon? - 421
  Key words: Moon, Phases, Phases-Of-The-Moon  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: How far away is earth's moon?
  Answer: They say that earth's moon is located 238,000 miles away. Some people believe that it may be much closer. I have never been there to actually measure the distance. - 321

Question: What is the purpose of the moon?
  Answer: The moon was designed by God to light the night sky. It is also used as a monthly calendar and for signs. - 338

  Comments and Quotes  

I have never been to the moon, or tried to measure the actual distance to the moon. My camera can clearly see the moon craters. Perhaps the moon is closer then what they tell us. - Ron Rooks - 270

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