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Rain Storm

The rain storms.

  • Do not fly into a thunderstorm. Try to go around it. - 26810
  Key words: Rain, Rain-Storm, Storm, Storms, Weather  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is rain?
  Answer: Rain is water that condensed in the clouds and falls to earth in drops. - 133

Question: What is the purpose of a rain barrel?
  Answer: A rain-barrel collects rain-water. Every home should have at least one. - 298

Question: What are the colors of the rainbow?
  Answer: The colors of the rainbow include: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. - 4342

Question: What is weather?
  Answer: Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a given time in a specific place. - 111

Question: What are some of the factors describing weather?
  Answer: Weather affects air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, cloudiness, Rain precipitation moisture, and wind speed. - 112

Topics from our world ...

  External related links to the world ...  

College of DuPage Weather Lab
 College of DuPage Weather Lab

 Satellite and Radar data. - 1106
Staying Safe Outdoors in Severe Weather
 Staying Safe Outdoors in Severe Weather - 1205
Meteorology and Weather
 Meteorology and Weather

 Meteorology and Weather: A Guide for Students - 9228
Weather Channel
 Weather Channel - 1107
National Weather Service
 National Weather Service - 1108
NOAA's National Weather Service
 NOAA's National Weather Service - 1109
Japan Meteorological Agency
 Japan Meteorological Agency - 1110
Weather modification history
 Weather modification history - 1111

  Words of Wisdom  

And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the day time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.   Isaiah 4:6 

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