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The table waiters will serve the food.

  • "A coworker asked me if I will be glad to get done with school and not have to work as a waiter. I could not bring myself to tell him that I am right where I am supposed to be. I have no regrets that I am where I am at and doing what I am doing. In all I do, I see Gods will for me and I choose to do my work well...whatever it is." - Douglas Rooks

    "When I waited tables the work was hard but the money was good. It is a profession of which to be proud and the nice thing is, when you leave work, it stays there. Unlike some other jobs." - Stephanie Jentgen - 681
  Key words: Occupation, Server, Wait, Waiter, Waiters, Waitress  

Topics from our world ...

  • Wait (32)  We do not want to kept waiting.

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