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Win Points

We want to win points.

  • The clouds drift across the sky. - 17792
  • Every window should have curtains. - 42880
  • Electric-Lawn-Mower: Start mowing from the spot closest to the electric outlet.
    Mow your way away from the plug, this way the cord should not be in your way. - 200
  • I was driving on I-75 when I saw a green lizard crawl across the outside of my windshield.
    He tried to hold on, but eventually the wind blew him off, and into the road.
    I wondered if he survived the fall, or if the next car would run over him.
    Several seconds later I saw a green and white car pass me. The lettering on the side of the car said: "G E I C O". I wondered if it was a coincidence. - 391
  • The trees sway in the wind. - 17793
  • The wind has an abrasive effect caused by sand particles. - 702
  • Every room should have a window. - 703
  • In the winter, the sun is much lower in the sky and less intense. Winter days are shorter with fewer hours of sunshine. - 704
  Key words: Points, Win, Win-Points  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is the mastication process?
  Answer: The mastication process is the act of chewing before swallowing and digesting the food. - 293

Question: What is wind?
  Answer: Wind is a stream of air in motion that is moving at any speed.
  Note: Wind moves from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. - 145

Question: What is a window?
  Answer: A window is an opening constructed in the wall or roof of a building. Most windows are fitted with a frame containing panes of glass. - 139

Question: What is the purpose of a window?
  Answer: A window is used to let in light. Some windows can be opened to also let in air. - 140

  External related links to the world ...  

American Wind Energy Association
 American Wind Energy Association

 The American Wind Energy Association is the national trade association for the wind energy industry. - 1121
European Wind Energy Association - EWEA
 European Wind Energy Association - EWEA

 The European Wind Energy Association has a powerful wind energy network. - 1122
Sun Metals Systems
 Sun Metals Systems

 Impact tested windows. - 1123
BC Industries
 BC Industries

 Commercial window installation - No building is too big. - 1124

  Comments and Quotes  

Half of the tree fell-off one of our neighbors trees. They were able to save it by trimming it and having some special chemical put on it that prevented it from dying. - Melinda Dashiell - 35

"We could just go outside and sit on the swings and talk." - 26

Our trampoline went over our fence (somehow without breaking it) and smashed in to our neighbors house. - Morgan Spires - 34

Trees are being blown down blocking roadways. There are power outage in a lot of areas. Traffic lights are out. The neighbor's roof is blowing all over the yard and front porch. Tree branches are breaking and blowing all over the place. Be very careful if you need to go out. I am in for the evening. Stay safe everyone. - Lu Smith - 20

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