Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
What is a door?
Answer: A door is a movable barrier to an opening in the wall.
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How are doors moved to open and close them?
Answer: Doors swing on hinges or slides in grooves or rotate around.
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What is the purpose of a door?
Answer: A door is used for opening and closing an entrance or exit to a room or building.
Note: This may prevent going in or out without permission.
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What is the purpose of a locked door?
Answer: A locked door prevents going in or out without permission.
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What is wood?
Answer: Wood is the hard, fibrous part of trees that grows beneath the bark.
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Where does wood come from?
Answer: Wood is grown by trees in the forest. The mature trees are cut down to make timber. The timber is cut, sawed, or split into lumber, planks, and boards of standard lengths. The wood is then dried, and sold for use as building material, fuel, and paper pulp.
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