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Adrenal Cancer

The adrenal cancer.

  • Be careful what you eat. - 102
  • "We need changes in the direction the cancer research is going.
    We need access to care beyond mammograms.
    We need to know what is causing the disease, and we need a cure. " - Barbara Brenner - 103
  • Cancer cells divide without control or order. - 11787
  • Cancer affects people at all ages, but risk increases with age. - 11788
  • Smoking is the single biggest preventable cause of cancer. - 11789
  Key words: Adrenal, Adrenal-Cancer, Cancer  

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)  

Question: What is cancer?
  Answer: Cancer is a disease where abnormal cells grow rapidly and invade surrounding tissue. - 104

  External related links to the world ...  

National Cancer Institute
 National Cancer Institute - 133
 Cancer - 5224
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
 H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute - 134
Cancer information
 Cancer information - 135

  Comments and Quotes  

"Cancer appears to be a modern disease created by modern life." - Professor Rosalie David - 1286

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